
Common Questions

What is E-learning?

Technically, E-learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of education through digital resources. Red Wing Public Schools uses the term more broadly since students in grades E-5 complete activities using worksheets while those in grades 6-12 are encouraged to use district-issued Chromebooks to complete assignments and communicate with teachers on E-learning days.

Why do we need E-learning days?

Students benefit from continuity of learning. This is why the Minnesota Department of Education allows each district to have up to five E-learning days during a school year. E-learning helps students keep learning even when Red Wing Public Schools has an unplanned cancellation of a school day.

Students are expected to participate online using Google Classroom or through activities that they can do around their home. All E-learning assignments are due in one week; attendance is recorded when students complete and submit their work.

Minnesota requires a set amount of hours and a set number of days when students must be in session. In the past, school districts that used up their “snow days” had to eliminate days off, extend school into the summer or lengthen the school day – or all three – to meet requirements. Now when RWPS has a cancellation due to inclement weather or an emergency, E-learning days help us meet attendance requirements within the School Board’s preferred calendar – between the Tuesday after Labor Day and the Friday after Memorial Day.

How can students access E-Learning materials?

Parents/guardians of students in grades E-5 receive E-learning packets during the fall teacher conference day or when they enroll the student in school. Packets also are available online or can be emailed to families in case they lose or misplace the materials.
The students have a week to complete the activities, which can be completed at home. Students also may work with their teacher to
Students in grades 6-12 are expected to take their district-issued device home with them. Teachers will have materials available in Google Classroom and be available via email to answer questions. Students are expected to login and work on assignments. If students do not have home internet access, need more time or need assistance, they have a week to complete their assignments.

Is E-learning standard practice now?

Numerous Minnesota districts use similar home activities and digital tools for e-learning days.
Red Wing Public Schools first used E-learning during the pandemic. Depending on the scenario, we referred to this as distance, hybrid and flex learning. We now use the term E-learning. We took what we learned and what other districts said worked for them to create this year’s plan. Our Teaching & Learning Department continues to assess and improve the process.

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